K-12 Bridge to
Sparklight is proud to partner with EducationSuperHighway, ACA Connects and the NCTA to help students most in need get connected and positioned for success!

Reliable Internet Service
Home Learning can be challenging enough without worrying about getting and staying connected to a fast and reliable internet service. Through the K-12 Bridge to Broadband initiative, Sparklight will work directly with school districts to identify and provide high speed internet connectivity to students and families in need. Sparklight understands that connectivity is critical to student success and we are committed to supporting students and their families during these difficult times.
Standardize Eligibility
Sparklight and school districts will develop eligibility standards for qualifying students. At a minimum, this will include households with students on the federal Free and Reduced Lunch program.
Identify Students in Need
School districts will confidentially identify students in need of service.
Facilitate Enrollment
Sparklight will require a minimum amount of information to sign up families and facilitate installation of high-speed Internet.
Sponsored Service
Bills go directly to the school districts, students and their families never see them.
Privacy Protection
Sparklight will not use school-supplied information for targeted marketing.

School districts or States work with Sparklight to identify students who are unconnected at home.
Schools districts or States issue an RFP for for Sparklight to provide cost-effective, reliable and fast internet service for home-learning to unconnected students.

Upon completion of the RFP, Sparklight connects students and directly bills the school district.

Students find a clear path to success!
To learn more, email us at